City of Orlando, Orange County Election Supervisor to meet on Monday The Board of Elections is holding a meeting on Monday to decide on a timeline for a special election to replace former Orlando Commissioner Regina Hill. (WFTV)
ORLANDO, Fla. — The Board of Elections is holding a meeting on Monday to decide on a timeline for a special election to replace former Orlando Commissioner Regina Hill.
Hill represented District 5; she’s been suspected from her office while she faces a criminal investigation in connection with seven felony charges, including impersonation and mortgage fraud.
During the meeting, the board is expected to decide on budget, dates, and polling locations for the 21,000 voters who represent District 5.
So far, there is not an official timeline just yet.
The Orange County Supervisor of Elections said the office was getting a jump start to prepare for an upcoming special election.
The Board of Elections wants to make sure the city will be ready for the thousands of voters who will now have to choose another representative to fill the gap that Hill left.
“We’re following the process, so we’re just waiting for the process to fulfill itself,” said Glen Gilzean with the Orange County Supervisor of Elections.
Orange County court delays hearing in Regina Hill case
Who is Regina Hill, the Orlando city commissioner who was arrested?
Orlando Commissioner Regina Hill Regina Hill (WFTV Staff/WFTV)
Regina Hill leaves jail Orlando City Commissioner Regina Hill left the Orange County Jail on Tuesday afternoon after paying bail. (WFTV)
Regina Hill Orlando commissioner (City of Orlando/City of Orlando)
Regina Hill faces judge Orlando City Commissioner Regina Hill, 58, was arrested Thursday morning on elderly exploitation and fraud charges, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement said. (Orange County Jail)
Regina Hill through the years
Regina Hill
Regina Hill
Orlando City Commissioner Regina Hill The Florida Department of Law Enforcement announced Thursday morning that Orlando City Commissioner Regina Hill was arrested after an investigation into accusations of elderly exploitation and fraud. (Orange County Jail)
GF Default - Raw Regina Hill pushes for bill that protects witnesses
Regina Hill
Regina Hill through the years
GF Default - Raw: Regina Hill speaks to Channel 9
Regina Hill
Regina Hill
Regina Hill through the years
Regina Hill through the years
Regina Hill through the years
Regina Hill through the years
Regina Hill through the years
Regina Hill through the years
Regina Hill through the years
Regina Hill through the years
Regina Hill through the years
Regina Hill through the years
Regina Hill through the years
Regina Hill through the years
Orlando City Commissioner Regina Hill Orlando City Commissioner Regina Hill, 58, was arrested Thursday morning on elderly exploitation and fraud charges, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement said. (WFTV)
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