Tallahassee private school labels girl’s Afro a ‘distraction,’ threatens expulsion

A teenager claims her private high school in Tallahassee said her natural Afro is a “distraction” to fellow students and she risked expulsion.

Jenesis Johnson, 17, was told by North Florida Christian assistant principle Lynn Burgess that her full, natural hair was "not neat" and "needs to be put in style," according to WCTV.

Johnson insisted her natural hair already meets the criteria, but she was told she risks losing her enrollment at the private high school if she doesn’t meet their demands.  She was told she could finish the last week of school this year but would be refunded for the next semester, if she doesn’t comply.

Johnson told WCTV she always sits in the back of the classroom to not obstruct anyone’s view.

In her criticism of Johnson's hair, the assistant principle pointed to the school handbook, which states, "No faddish or extreme hairstyles, and hair should be neat and clean at all times.  The administration will make the decision on any questionable styles."

The school has yet to respond to requests for comment.