Send your name to Mars

Houston, Tx — Here’s your chance to space out, literally.

NASA is offering a chance to send your name to Mars on board the InSight Lander when it launches in May 2018.

Nearly 827,000 individuals have already signed up.

You can only submit your name online to be etched onto a microchip and earn "frequent flier" points, which reflect their participation in NASA exploration missions.

Participants can also download a "boarding pass" with information about each mission that flies their names.

The mission, whose name is short for "Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport," will study the planet's deep interior to gain a better understanding of the processes that helped shaped rocky planets like Mars and Earth.

NASA frequent fliers will have another opportunity to rack up points in 2018, when Orion and NASA's Space Launch System megarocket launch together for the first time. That uncrewed flight, known as Exploration Mission 1, will send Orion on a seven-day trip around the moon to test out many of the capsule's critical systems.

Click here for the link.