Seminole County is considering a ban on plastic straws and other items

Seminole County, Fla. — Seminole County is researching a possible ban on plastic straws, cups and other small items.

Commissioner Lee Constantine has asked for and received permission to research the possible ban that would make it illegal for vendors to use plastic cups, straws, and other items at county parks and facilities.

The goal is to reduce the amount of plastic that goes into landfills and potential the ocean.

At least on other Seminole County Commissioner does not support the idea.

Commissioner Amy Lockhart says she would rather see residents take personal responsibility.

Seminole County joins a rather lengthy list of Counties and Cities in Florida who are either considering a plastic ban or have already enacted one.

The City of Orlando passed a similar law last month banning plastic straws, styrofoam cups, and containers and plastic bags at City sponsored events, venues and parks.

Orlando’s law takes effect October 1, 2019.

The idea is also being tossed around by Orange County Commissioners.