Orlando allows more short term rentals in city

ORLANDO, Fla. — Orlando is opening more neighborhoods to short term rentals, after city council members voted 6-1 this afternoon to allow residents to rent out rooms in their homes or the second half of a duplex, as long as they also live on the property.

There have been limitations on where short term rentals have been allowed in the past, due to concerns over disrupting “the sanctity of residential areas where they don’t have to expect any kind of commerce,” said Commissioner Tony Ortiz, who cast the lone dissenting vote.

A big concern for commissioners was having some sort of control over the activities of the guests, but they agreed that the owner of the property would ultimately be held responsible.

The new rules go into effect on July 1.

The change is expected to open more of Orlando to visitors who, in turn, could enjoy some of the local attractions away from the theme parks.