A new tool gives you a personalized report on your COVID-19 risk

Are you taking all of the safety measures you should? If you were to get COVID-19, how likely is it that it would be serious? Take the test here and find out.

Orlando, Florida — The tool was released by the Florida Department of Elder Affairs, but anyone of any age can take the assessment. The tool asks questions about a variety of things, such as underlying health conditions you have, the types of activities you are taking part in, your age, and the number of people living in your home. It will calculate your risk factors, and tell you how likely you are to be infected and spread the virus. It will also give you a safe behavior score, and will tell you how likely it is that you will experience severe effects from the virus if you do get it. I took the test, I’m happy to report that it said my severity risk was low. It said my risk of hospitalization is 3% and my risk of not surviving the virus is only 0.1%. You can take the test here to see how at risk you are.