New pill timer caps hope to fight drug overdose

Orlando, Fla. — Prescription drug overdose has become one of the biggest drug problems affecting our country today, but CVS Pharmacy hopes that TimerCaps will be part of the solution.

CVS Pharmacy designed special caps to help patients keep track of their medications. The TimerCap is on shelves in CVS stores across the country in hopes of curbing prescription abuse and misuse.

“It works like a stopwatch showcasing how much time has elapsed since the last time the medication bottle was closed,” CVS pharmacist Jennifer Lalani said. “It helps patients answer simple questions like did I take my medicine today or is it time for my next dose.”

CVS pharmacists hope that the TimerCaps will make a difference in the number of accidental drug overdose deaths that happen in the U.S. every year.

Answering those questions can help prevent accidental overdose which can happen when patients forget that they already took their medication.

TimerCap also helps with medication non- adherence which Lalani says can be deadly for patients.

“ Medication non- adherence leads to about 125 deaths and 10 – 20% of hospital and nursing home admissions each year so that’s a big issue as well.”

Patients can purchase TimerCaps at CVS pharmacies and drug stores for about 10 dollars.