Heartbreaking: Cruel dog owner pours water on pet, leaves her outside in freezing temperatures

RUSSIA — Animal activists in Russia are calling for a dog owner to be prosecuted after he poured water all over his loyal pet and left her outside in -30C temperatures in Russia.

Horrifying video shows the white female dog, who was found by rescuers, whimpering and waving one paw for help while she is frozen to the ground in her outdoor kennel.

"The eyes, I will never forget them," one volunteer tells the Daily Mail. "Did you ever see a man who wanted to live but who was already dying? The dog had exactly the same eyes, understanding everything, just unable to explain."

The volunteers in Yakutsk, the coldest city in the world, were able to free the poor, scared dog and bring her to the vet. Unfortunately, the one-year-old dog was in such agony, she had to be put down.

“It's one thing is when your dog dies, but this man has many children. Today he let his dog die next to his house, and tomorrow the same may happen to his children.”

Thousands have signed a petition to have the owner face charges, and hopefully get justice for the young dog.